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Real Estate
6450 Moraga Ave
Oakland, CA 94611
Bill & Eli Fletcher
Red Oak Realty
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Bill and Eli are where it's at!My partner and I just sold our condo and then turned around and bought a home in a different neighborhood.  We loved our old home and wanted to make sure it went to someone that would love it as well and be amazing neighbors to our dear friends around the neighborhood.  We wanted to make sure whomever moved in would only add positivity, respect and understanding to or old neighborhood of West Oakland.  It's a very special neighborhood that is changing rapidly and we wanted to make sure to pass our sweet urban nest onto someone who was part of the positive kinds of change for that area. Well... with Bill and Eli's help- WE DID!         We then turned around and went on a search for a new home that felt like us- less cement and more trees. Something with a garden, a studio space to make art, a room to make music, lots of trees, a place close to friends, a fire place, a great kitchen with a window above the sink,  a back yard that would hold a load of friends that we could have lots of hangs around a fire with in rocking chairs and just overall a charming home that felt really good.  Well.. with Bill and Eli's help- WE DID! Not only did the house literally have everything we wanted but even more including a vintage stove I can't lay my eyes, pots and pans off of AND beautiful views of the bay!!  We literally did this all within a month.  THAT is amazing and we are incredibly grateful.  The Bay Area is one of thee hardest markets to buy in and we are just over the moon about how smooth everything went.  It would not have been so easy without having sold our place for what we did and then having amazing realtors working with us the way they did.           We knew the moment we met Bill and Eli that they were our guys.  We loved that they were family and had such a wonderful dynamic with each other and with us.  We loved how they listened to what we wanted even down to the little details like - 'We really need a tree in the front yard'.  We loved how excited they were for our new beginning and we could tell they were going to be putting their hearts in this important time with us.         In particular Bill showed up, he was extremely experienced and knowledgable, he worked with all of our quirky ways (and we have many-Hahh!), he was very communicative on every end, he has very solid and positive relationships with the realtors all over the Bay Area from all the many years he has working in the Bay Area. He was just such a wonderful part of this entire experience.          We can not thank Bill and Eli enough for all that they have done for us. We thank you from the bottoms of our hearts.~ Margaret, Kofy & Hattie Mae
Written by Margaret B
Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 12:00 AM
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