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Awarded for our boutique approach to real estate, we are uniquely positioned to help our clients tap into an extensive network that takes a unified approach to real estate. As a full-service agency catering to premium and middle markets in select lifestyle locations, Belle Property Australasia sells simple studios and multi-million dollar homes with the same commitment, professionalism and attention to detail. Founded in 2000, Belle Property was a real estate company predominantly focused on project marketing with six offices only. After seven years in operation, Belle Property re-launched in 2007 with a revised franchise model under the new ownership of CEO, Peter Hanscomb. The company is continually growing with over 100 offices operating across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. Through strategic partnerships and joint ventures – Bauer Media interiors publication, Belle magazine, Sitchu, Hockingstuart, Belle Property Escapes and Belle Property International – Belle Property is continually expanding its suite of services to deliver a boutique experience with a distinct point of difference.

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Real Estate
2A Phoenix St
Lane Cove NSW 2066
Belle Property (Sales)
Belle Property