Tom followed through on finding us a house after our first rental here in Georgia. He was just as patient as before as this being our first home, we wanted everything to be perfect. He quickly got a feel for our preference in house which made looking at homes so much easier. Tom made the house hunt so much less stressful because you felt like you were house hunting with a friend. He took the time to know who we are, what our family needs and did not hesitate to go to bat for us when it came time to closing the deal. Today, he remains a good source of information as we prepare to move into our new home. I cannot recommend Tom enough and when the time comes to find another property in the North Atlanta area, Tom will be my first go to, again.
Tom was made an often stressful process amazingly smooth and easy. After moving from Dallas to Atlanta, I was in a house in less than a month- not just finalizing paperwork, but physically in the house.
His patience, communication is efforts in actively finding homes to view and suggest is the best I've had the pleasure of dealing with- and I move a lot!
When looking for a new home in Atlanta, Tom is a sure bet.